Books & Training Manuals
IQ Learning Systems, Inc. develops and publishes some of the finest and most
respected race technology and program support manuals on the market. Created in
conjunction with top professionals like Reher-Morrison Racing Engines and Jerry
Bickel Race Cars, these books offer unparalleled quality with graphics and hundreds
of photos--all in easy to read step-by-step sequences.
Find out why these books have become the most respected and popular resource books for professionals, hobbyists, and colleges around the country.
Check Out These Great Books:
This is it! We spent over a year with David Reher and the staff at Reher-Morrison
Racing Engines updating and consolidating our famous Upper & Lower Engine Assembly
books into one great volume. Click above to visit the RM site and see sample pages
or to order your own book today!
Race car writer Wayne Scraba said this book should be in every trailer at the drag
strip. Learn the really important chassis geometry and chassis setup tips from
the master of drag racing door cars, Jerry Bickel.
This five-volume series can be purchased as individual books or in a comprehensive
Home-Study course in drag door car construction technology. We've sold hundreds
of these sets worldwide to professional race car shops and individual enthusiasts.
There is no better way to learn how to build your own state-of-the-art drag car.
Click above to learn more about this program or to make your purchase.
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